Radio Activa Florida

Community radio located in the Department of Florida, Uruguay.


Do you want to help us?

Colaborate with us

Click here to contribute to our community radio, with a minimum amount of $100 Uruguayan pesos.


We propose you to provide you with sites where you can understand scientifically, how accessible is the extension of its definition.

Financial education

Through this button you will be able to access all the information necessary to know and investigate personal finances.

Vial education

Everything you need to know to protect yourself and avoid accidents, automotive safety, as well as pedestrian protection.

Gender violence

You will have the contributions through specialists trained in this subject through the links that we provide.

Environmental education

To take care of the planet, we connect with places that can provide information to work on caring for our environment.


Rompiendo Estigmas: La Historia de Ana y la Salud Mental

Ana siempre había sido una persona alegre y llena de vida. Sin embargo, tras un evento traumático, comenzó a sentirse abrumada por la tristeza y la ansiedad. Estos sentimientos se intensificaron, llevándola a aislarse de sus amigos y familiares. Al buscar ayuda, Ana se dio cuenta de que muchas personas tenían ideas erróneas sobre las enfermedades mentales, influenciadas por cómo los medios de comunicación las representaban.

En su camino hacia la recuperación, Ana descubrió la importancia de contar las historias de salud mental de manera empática y educativa. Evitar la narrativa sensacionalista es crucial, ya que perpetúa el estigma y deshumaniza a quienes sufren estas condiciones. Ana se comprometió a cambiar esta narrativa, abogando por mostrar a las personas con enfermedades mentales como seres humanos completos y educar al público con información precisa sobre las causas y tratamientos. Con su nueva misión, Ana comenzó a compartir su historia y a educar a otros, contribuyendo a un entorno más comprensivo y realista respecto a la salud mental.

National media

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International media

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Written media

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About us:

Radio Activa Florida

In 2014, a group of people got together to form the ACTIVA Group with the aim of responding to a call from the Ministry of Education and Culture for the granting of a shared radio frequency. We were a diverse group, with different backgrounds and experiences, but united by the same mission: to bring a unique and interdisciplinary approach to resource development at the neighborhood level. We knew that through collaboration, we could make a real difference in the lives of individuals and communities. Therefore, we present a project to develop it in the Corralón del Tigre Town getting their approval. Said communication project called Radio Activa It is a space oriented to neighborhood communication, promoting information for reflection in all areas of social interest, through the participation of different local, national and international actors, trying to facilitate the participation of the community. This Project, which dates back to 2014, has been reformulated based on the experiences lived and the knowledge that is acquired day by day in contact with the neighborhood reality.

The ACTIVA Group is now an established organization, we have formed an Active Civil Organization (CSO) 2014 whose authorities are Yamandú Bermudez president, Marcelo Aguilar secretary and Juan Manuel Lamanita as a member with their respective alternates as well as the corresponding commissions that are a requirement for a CSO.

The creation of the OSC It is a condition established by the Ministry of Industry and Energy for the passage from Shared Frequency Radio to Common Frequency.

Today, with the process underway, we begin a new phase of communication of the needs, interests and problems of the community, with information as a basic element. We do not have any commercial purpose and we intend to maintain the best communication standards through donations and other collaborations. Our goal is to create learning experiences that are inspiring and engaging, and that have a positive impact on the community. We take pride in our work and strive to continue to develop innovative tools and resources. By combining our knowledge and our passion, we are confident that we can create meaningful and lasting change.



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